<<Would appreciate any folks out there that can
reference  this subject matter. >>

That's a great question, Gay! I don't want to steal all the titles, but the Joni songs 
that deal with aging would include:

The Arrangement (reflecting on another's accomplishments, or lack thereof);

The Circle Game (pretty obvious pick);

Hejira, which touches on the cycle of life (The foreceps to the stone);

Facelift, which deals with middle-aged relationships between lovers and between 

Sweet Bird, the "Sweet Bird of Youth" laughs at our attempts to stop the aging process:

Sweet bird you are
Briefer than a falling star
All these vain promises on beauty jars
Somewhere with your wings on time
You must be laughing
Behind our eyes
Calendars of our lives
Circled with compromise
Sweet bird of time and change
You must be laughing
Up on your feathers laughing

Cherokee Louise, learning to deal with some of life's hard lessons;

Great question, Gay! I hope this helps, and I also hope that others can step up & help 
out. If you haven't done so already, you can go to the lyrics database on JMDL.com and 
put in some key words and see what you come up with.

Who knows, maybe we'll "post the paper" for you! :~)


NP: Earth, Wind & Fire, "That's The Way of The World"

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