<<If you haven't seen it take a click on over.  >>

Thanks for sharing that, Don...I could comment on just about every entry to the list, 
but I'll refrain!

Can't believe Lennon's "Imagine" made it on the 'banned' list! And I had to laugh when 
I saw "All Rage Against The Machine songs", which should be a standard anyway! ;~)

This list confirms just how totally fucking stupid the radio is today. If *I* was a 
DJ, I'd play ONLY songs from this list! Alison, glad to hear from you...time for you 
to get back behind the mic!

Surprised that BYT didn't make it...'paved paradise, put up a parking lot'...

And they CAN'T play "Stairway to Heaven"? OMG, that cuts their playlist by 10% right 
there! ;~)


NP: Jim White, "King of the Road"

NPIMH: Talking Heads, "Life During Wartime", which didn't make the list...go figga!

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