In a message dated 9/18/2001 2:32:05 PM Eastern Daylight Time, 

> My first reaction to this is that it must be a joke.  Surely nobody could be 
> *already* saying that it's time to get over it!  My second reaction is that 
> my question has been answered.  I wondered how long it would take before 
> the first person said "snap out of it".  I figured it would take a year, or 
> more.  Maybe some ill-advised person would say it after a month.  It took 
> one week plus a few hours.
> So this is how we honor the dead - by forgetting them as quickly as 
> possible?  In terms of letting terrorists win, I would think that the best 
> way to let them win is to essentially agree with them that the lives they 
> took had no meaning.  That's what I think we're doing if we go on with our 
> lives as if nothing happened.  


I don't think any of us, including Paul means to "snap out of it" and forget 
the lives of those that are lost, and the families that are suffering. Far 
from it. How could anyone just "forget" something as atrocious as this? 
Anyone that knows me, knows that I am a deeply compassionate person and I 
feel others' pain deeply. Today and for however long I am needed, I am doing 
my small part to help the friend that lost her son-in-law on Flight 11 by 
doing her job for her in a gift store. My point is not to forget, but to move 
forward with our lives **when the time is right for each of us**, which of 
course will be different for each person.  I know I *personally* feel like I 
am contributing to the world in my own little way by the little things I do 
everyday now, as opposed to being totally non-fuctioning for 3 days since 
Tuesday. And that not only feels good, but sends a message to the terroists 
that we will continue to embrace the spirit that lives inside us. They can 
never take that away.

My 2 cents.


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