I was listening to CBS news tonight.  A woman that was being interviewed 
said that these terrorist not only high jacked planes .... they high jacked 
a religion.
I though that was well put.


At 02:31 PM 9/18/01 -0600, Les Irvin wrote:
>YUSUF ISLAM, the former CAT STEVENS, has vigorously
>denounced last week's terrorist attacks. "It must be
>stated that no right thinking follower of Islam could
>possibly condone such an action: the 'Qur'an' equates
>the murder of one innocent person with the murder of
>the whole of humanity," Islam said. "I hope to reflect
>the feelings of all Muslims and people around the
>world whose sympathies go out to the victims of this
>sorrowful moment." Yusuf Islam was widely criticized
>more than a decade ago when the British press alleged
>that he supported a "fatwa" calling for the death of
>author Salman Rushdie, a claim Islam denies.

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