BintheB wrote

"Is it fair to say that from this day forward I will never be able to look
at a young muslim man and not think that he was sent here to kill me because
I am American?   Maybe it is and maybe
it isn't, but that prejudice is now instilled in me and will never go away."

This would be like looking at every young white man & thinking that he was
going to blow up the building where you work (Oklahoma City). It is madness
to let yourself think this way.

We went to a beautiful candle ceremony tonight. Our congresswoman &
representative were there & several nonprofits working worldwide & locally
to promote world peace, tolerance & social justice. Many citizens got up to
speak, sing, share their thoughts. Many children got up & spoke. One Muslim
man spoke so beautifully about how he & his fellow Muslims were as horrified
as any other citizen about this horrific event. A very sweet & gentle man.
He said many more from the Muslim community wanted to attend the ceremony
but were advised by the police to stay home because there was some violence
that occured here last night.

Please please please please please. Do not let the actions of a few extreme
madmen instill you with fear of other Muslims. They are hurting deeply just
like us.

Kate Bennett
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