
        <<general discussion re LOTC boots>>
        <<It didn't borrow from several albums from the period, it just threw out the 
original art and mixed the order up.  >>
        <<Same as that other bootleg called "Ghosts", which features the LOTC songs in 
a different order. Like it's some kind of "Alternate LOTC" or something...>>

here in sa there is another one of those going round. it is called "big yellow taxi" 
and has the lotc tracks rearranged, and some very dubious sound quality. but at least 
the cover is slightly better, it has a photo of joni, with a kind of a pukey yellow 

it sells at around half the price of the real lotc, and i have seen it a most of the 
major music store.

the package indicates that it originates from spain.

& something for the bill gates conspiracy theorists - try the following

                type  Q33NY (must be uppercase)

                make it large 

                change the font to "wingdings"






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