Kate wrote:

>i am glad that this article says the govt bypassed the >taliban & actually
trust info coming from the uk
> more than in our own country's media, sad to say...

I also go straight to UK media whenever there are major events and issues
happening in the U.S. or the world.  The media in the U.S. has been in a
sorry state for a long time now.  I have found more information in the links
below for you that may help clarify the situation.  These links come from
the "Media Awareness Project" which states that they are "a worldwide
network dedicated to drug policy reform. We inform public opinion and
promote balanced media coverage."  These articles come from the U.K.,
Australia and France, and seem to be straightforward.  I have no reason not
to believe them.  Another source you may want to check out is the United
Nations, who figures prominently in the aid given to Afghanistan and other
countries.  Kakki




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