just so no one misunderstands me...i would get angry at anyone
of any party label left or right who allowed my country canada
to grow lax on its security against terrorists...

i use churchill and FDR as examples of great leadership
because they had a certain courage to take on 'ideologues'
 whether of the left or right...they took on lady astor as well
as joe kennedy...

roosevelt took on the banks when those interests got selfish...
he also took on the appeasers toward nazi germany...
churchill took on the conservatives when they were
blind to the rise of nazism...so he took on baldwin
as well as ramsey-macdonald...
and his cabinet in the war was a coalition which
could include bevin...(a labour movement leader)
because the best policy and often what works best
is not socialist nor mere 'business' ideology...
so it makes me just as angry when some republicans
are dishonest with slogans as well as when democrats
pander to self-interest groups and polls...

  i don't really like politics therefore,
(i think society has had a great spiritual decline, primarily)
but i am damn frustrated at how our bureaucrats with the liberals
have let canada become a playground for terrorists...

 for those who aren't that familiar with canadian politics, well,
there are many who were or are in the ndp (our labour party)
who view the liberal behaviour as pure expedience
and without principle...sometimes they have liked some conservatives
more for being less expedient at the expense of the country...
this expedience of some liberals has occurred in britain too,
i've been told and i have read...

  some foreign journalists have made me angry...i'm angry at them,
not at people in the list who have been very supportive
and caring to the victims of this tragedy...

i care for what goes on in the U.K., my father's english and
i have lived there...
i care for what goes on in the U.S., my mother's american
and i lived there...

remember churchill and roosevelt were not laissez-faire 'business'
conservatives...roosevelt brought  electric power to the
farmers of the tennesee valley...and scrambled to make jobs for folk,
like building dams, when no one would or could hire them...
churchill expanded minimum wages and old-age pensions...and
cried, honestly, over a bombed-out family in the blitz...
oh they weren't perfect...only God is that...

i think by todays' standards FDR would be viewed today
as a kind of 'conservative' democrat who would nonetheless
not be a fan of mere dishonest money-grubbing...and of
course would have no sympathy with that traditional
southern conservative democrat who may have been racist...

by persuasion, i'm a democrat of the FDR or Truman mold...
i believe God calls us to remember the fixed income worker
and the poor and the people who have fallen through the cracks...

now i've gotten things off my chest,  i feel better...i at least
do not hide around or sneak around so you wouldn't know where
i stood...

i stand against selfishness and ego of any stripe, left or right
and against self-righteousness of cause or platform...

  yes i wish to God we had churchill and roosevelt in power now...
they were great centrists really...but they aren't in power and we
have to do the best with what we've got....as FDR said

    "so help us God..."


i hope to get back to creativity, so i've signed up for an
acrylics course actually!

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