
I just read Shane's email soon after Brenda's that I responded to, and I 
wanted to add...

I don't think there is anything wrong with examining U.S. policy and 
behavior. That doesn't imply that I think the U.S. "deserved" this tragedy. 
Of course I don't think that! It was horrible, I was horrified and stunned 
and affected deeply and I haven't even lost anyone personally. In fact, I 
struggle with the fact that I can feel even marginally relieved that none 
of my friends were in the WTC or the Pentagon when so many lives have been 

But while this was a terrible occurrence, these attacks, I think that we 
have a teachable moment. Wouldn't it be worse to let this time pass and 
lose an opportunity for critical reflection? Most American citizens, as 
Brenda pointed out, are quite ignorant about foreign issues, US foreign 
policy, other parts of the world in general. Isn't this a good opportunity 
to wake people to the rest of the world, and a chance to consider our place 
in it?

Mourning follows tragedy, and rightfully so. Learning can also follow.


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