ditto paul.
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Friday, September 21, 2001 6:44 PM
Subject: Re: Justice, not Terror

> In a message dated 9/21/01 9:50:53 PM !!!First Boot!!!,
> writes:
> > Although our leaders are under tremendous pressure to act in the
> > aftermath of the terrible events of Sept. 11th, it's important to
> > let them know that we support justice, not escalating violence,
> > which would only play into the terrorists' hands.
> >
> > I hope you'll join me in signing an online statement of support
> > for "Justice, not Terror" at:
> Before you go off signing stuff like that, maybe you ought to define your
> terms here.
>   Where would you draw the line between justice and vengeance?
> Personally, I think there is a line to be drawn but I couldn't say where
> define it. And I do believe that governments that harbor terrorists are as
> guilty as the terrorists themselves, especially considering the terrorists
> who committed these atrocities cannot be brought to justice here on earth.
>   Those governments that harbor, support and help to train such terorrists
> should be taken out by whatever means necessary, though hopefully that
> be short of using nuclear weapons.
>   Though I did not vote for Dubya, I was very impressed by his speech last
> night and believe his restrained approach so far has been the right
> Therefore, I suggest that the petition the reverend is advocating borders
> preposterous and would not add my name to such a document. Furthermore, I
> would discourage anyone else from doing so, especially until we see a
> more from our government about the direction they will be taking to obtain
> "justice," however you might define it.
> Paul I

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