finally chiming in here.....

my first LP -
a desperately desired birthday present for my 7th birthday -
that Association album that contained "Windy," which i thought
was sooo cool.
was the album called "Windy," too?
i could look it up, but then i'd *never* catch up with all these

the first single i remember having -
"i'm a widdle white duck sittin in the wadda,
a widdle white duck, doin whad he oughta....
and he swam and he swam right ovah the dam
boop boop diddum daddum waddum CHOO!"

i never voluntarily listened to much of my parent's music.  boy,
they had some scary stuff!!  every firestone collection of crap
ever recorded.  the only saving grace - daddy was a huge jim
reeves and jimmie rodgers fan.  i still love jimmie rodgers; his
music brings back some great memories, too.

thanks for asking!

all the best,

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