Marianne wrote:

> I think that WE don't have to forget the best of 60's >scene.  We don't
have to live any differently.  Let's take >the preciousness of the values of
the 60's and live that >way in our day to day lives.  Many of us do to some
> extent.

It would take a book to write all the ways the best of the spirit of the 60s
changed our world and I do think that spirit lives on.  Maybe not in the
large visible way it did then, but in the ways it changed our culture and
society forever.  When I talk with people not that much younger than me,
they sometimes don't quite understand what went on then.  Some of them
recall it as only being a time of a grisy war, with unkempt drugged-out
hippies and anarchy and don't see the larger beauty of how the ideals and
dreams were so needed then and how many did materialize into reality. It was
a true renaissance

> Spirit of the 60's:  questioning authority, Standing up for >what you
believe in, taking a stand, taking a stand, >taking a stand, doing things
together.  Being real, seeing >real.  Help me live this way.  Help the world
live this
> way.

Having an open-mind, rejecting conformity for the sake of conformity and
social pressures, respecting the individual, finding your originality,
appreciating differences and diversity, live and let live, love your sister
and brother....


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