> <<I apologized for bothering her, she said no problem and
> then I let her be.  Anyway, I now have a couple of autographed Jane
> Monheit cds.  Maybe someday this will be like having a vinyl record
> signed by Ella or Sassy.  Maybe not.  >>
> PROBABLY not, if she retains this kind of attitude towards those who
buy her CD's!

She wasn't really rude, Bob, and seemed perfectly willing to sign the
cds.  But I just didn't get the feeling she was interested in carrying
on a conversation.  Of course, I don't have the knack (not to mention
charm) for engaging celebs that our dear Kakki does!  Kakki probably
would have had Jane chattering like a magpie & they'd be best buds by
the night's end!

Mark E

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