hi all.  just wanted to give people in the NYC area
the heads-up that tickets are available to the Dar
Williams / Ron Sexsmith show at the Beacon this
saturday night.

and i got a couple!

i'm really excited -- i've been a pretty big ron
sexsmith fan for a while (i can't remember if i've posted
about that here or not), and i've only recently started
listening to dar williams (as per colin's instructions:
thanks colin!).  i like dar, like her prickliness and
heart, but find her sometimes a touch too: precious.

anyway, it's the first time i've been interested in
music or should i say excited about music since 9/11.

that's been a huge bummer, actually: a lot of my
tried-and-true CDs have sounded flat, dull, numbed.
but that's me these days, flat, dull, numbed...

i'm hoping this singer-songwriter duo this weekend will
inspire, soothe, bring healing --

best to all--

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