A little futile exercise, but what the heck:

Mick Jagger backstage at a Santana concert, Paris 75, signed an authograph.
Omar Shariff sat next to me in a movie theater in Deauville.
I waited on Mr. Hendricks' table (Lambert, Hendricks & Ross) while working in
a restaurant in Paris in my student days.
(He couldn't believe that a 19 year old French waiter knew who he was).
Charles Bronson in a Beverly Hills restaurant.
Phil Collins in a Beverly Hills clothing store (Armani).
Bonnie Raitt in a L.A clothing store (Sacks SFO).
Billy Wilder & James Stewart strolled through campus after lecturing at USC in
David Crosby signed his autobiography in W. Hollywood.  I came with an 80 year
old friend and Croz gave me a look of complicity I'll never forget.
Tzwetan Todorov (famous linguist) bought my parents' former condo.
Marek Halter (famous writer) lives down the street, I pass him often.
Catherine Lara (famous French singer) uses the same parking lot as I.
Joni in a Santa Monica restaurant.

What do you say to a celebrity you're not particularly fond of (e.g; Phil
Collins)?  Isn't it best to leave them alone, if you've got nothing meaningful
to say?

I'd love to hear the story about Cary Grant, though.


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