Rev Vince asked if Tony Blair always speaks with such eloquence.

TB, like his wife Cherie Booth, is a barrister by profession, and therefore 
as an advocate you would expect him to speak well. On this occasion, however, 
I feel that his speech was driven by genuine emotion, and would take some 

A newspaper here, talking about the visit by Clinton to NY, gave it the 
headline "Will the real Pesident please stand up?" It said that BC knew how 
to deal with the people better than Bush, although in fairness it also 
commented that Bush appeared to be lost for words because he was deeply upset.

Some British politicians, incidentally, are barristers who haven't done very 
well as barristers. Frighteningly, our defence minister, Geoff Hoon, falls 
into that category.

Best wishes to you all,

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