and if you do read it don't you dare complain!

Many many years ago, I knew an American woman from Syracuse(sp?), NY who
will remain nameless in case she is on this list. anyway shew was big
buxom black lesbian.(actually I am sure I wrote this  when i first
joined the list in a manic state and rewrite it just to prove I am just
as tasteless when sane).
Anyway, we would go out to discos together(see I said it was long time
ago). One night we had danced till pretty late, like 3am and we ended
back at her one roon flat. We crashed in the same bed. well a lesbian
and poof? why not? perfectly safe right? Wrong! one thing led to another
and before we knew it we were at it. Yes IT! Really! I was doing IT with
this woman. It got confusing. I just about figured out where to put my
.... when she kept directing my hand to.... and I was thinking how I am
supposed to ..... and do that with my hand? Am i contortionist? So
anyway, i managed just about and she starts to moan. God, i thought, now
whats wrong? Aren't I doing enough? This is knackering me. I carried on
and she moaned more. I already had my eyes closed and was wishing for
some earplugs. Then I was horror struck. She suddenly dug her nails into
my back, she was soaked in sweat, her eyes rolled back in her head and
she started to scream!! On my, god! the phone, wheres the frigging
phone? I panicked, Call 999(911). NOOOOOOO! she screamed and pulled me
closer ' DON'T STOP!! How could I refuse. i was terrified! She was BIG.
I wasn't about to upset her. Beside those friggin nails were well dug in
now. Next thing I knew, she was crushing me with her legs which now
wrapped around my chest. Oh my God, found dead in bed with a woman? what
about my reputation? I couldn't breath and my hand was well and truly
stuck between us. Just as I was sure I was about to depart this world,
she went all limp, looked up at me, smiled and said'thank you'. I just
stared at her, too stunned to say anything.

Oh and I did eventually figure out what the hand stuff was about. what a
stupid place to stick a clitoris.

I can feel myself blush but i am hitting the send button anyway.....

DAK,BRO GC, 950i 940,860,864, 260, 890,Silver 830 and 270, Passap 6000

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