If indeed this Marcel person does not want to come back to this list then
why in the world do all these discussions pertaining to him continue.  Those
of who who like him, keep in touch with him off the list.  Why keep bringing
him up if he is gone and has no interest in returning.  What a complete
waste of time and energy.  And arguing about it, why he left, what he did,
etc.  is LUDICROUS.


----- Original Message -----
From: "Vince Lavieri" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Wally Kairuz" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>; "joni" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Friday, October 05, 2001 5:46 PM
Subject: (njc)

> Wally Kairuz wrote:
> > as far as i know, that is not true, debra. i have been corresponding
> > marcel and NEVER has he expressed the wish to be reinstated. i can't
> > for the rest of marcel's friends on the list, but in my case marcel has
> > never said anything about coming back or wanting to come back.
> > i respect everybody's feelings
> Well said Wally!!!! and will add that Marcel has been emphatic to me that
> does not wish to return to the JMDL.
> My missing Marcel in here has to do with his love of music and Joni, and
> occasion his political comments with which I always disagreed but were
> ah, interesting.
> That people felt abused by Marcel, I grieved that they felt abused, were
> abused, and that my friend was involved.
> I also feel it is past time that we should be talking negatively about
> who is not here.  That is not fair - and if anyone felt Marcel was unfair
> them, we don't resolve that by being unfair to him now.
> There is a partial solution that should be available to most of us.
> If any one person is a problem in our email lives, set your filters on
> email program to move all emails from that person direct to your trash.
> trash them as they come in.
> I have been guilty of wanting to say one more thing when it would have
> to have said nothing, I have been guilty of reading something that I kind
> suspected in advance would cause a reaction in me, when it would have been
> better to have just trashed the message ahead of time and not read it.
> Sometimes we are better off blissfully unaware, just letting the stuff go
> total ignoring it.
> One crucial difference between real life and cyber life is that in the
> world, we can delete and trash those who abuse us and they are gone.  We
> the option, use the option, to break the cycle of cyber abuse.   Think of
it as
> your own virus screening program to preserve joy in your own life.
> (the Rev) Vince

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