Dear Victor,
I am "way" behind on my posts but I wanted to respond to this wonderful one 
because I had a similar experience this past week. My husband and I were 
treated to an all expense-paid trip to Ocean City, Maryland last week (hence 
my being behind on posts). Being unemployed at the moment, it was a much 
needed retreat. (boy, do I miss spending money!)

All joking aside, we all were able to watch a sunrise on the ocean one of the 
mornings. It was the most glorious things I have ever seen. I realized the 
power which resides in a sunrise, a sunset, or the mighty crashing of the 
waves. Until Bin Laden can stop those, he has no power over me. He is 
insignificant in the big scheme of things.

I encourage everyone to go and find the majesty of nature. The day we arrived 
in Ocean City, we heard the news that the bombing had begun as well as the 
Anthrax attacks. Whenever I would start to worry, I would go the balcony, sit 
and watch the waves magnificently crash against the shore. They seemed to 
wash away my fears and worries. I must now buy a house by the ocean! 

NP-Turbulent Indigo-Magadelene Laundries

In a message dated 10/11/2001 10:16:30 PM Pacific Daylight Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

> Earlier this evening, I walked across the street and sat on a rock in a
> little stream that runs through the woods, finding its way over the rocks,
> catching leaves that fall from the trees that surround it, my mind emptied
> of all thoughts and all I could feel was the presence of the water, the
> trees, and everything that surrounded me....I felt completely at one with it
> all, listening to the water, the insects, and the birds, and it seemed that
> this was my home and that the rest of the world was an illusion...all
> distractions were gone and I felt completely content being there, all
> sadness was gone,  and I could have sat there for ever...only when I made
> myself stand up, for no particular reason, was I able to leave and walk back
> to my apartment.  I have rarely, if ever, felt this calm and I intend to
> spend more time there..for it is from nature that we come and it seems far
> to easy in this day to become absorbed in the world of man and forget how
> powerful and beautiful the earth itself can be.
> Victor in Athens
> NP: silence, except for the occasional clunks and footsteps heard from
> upstairs

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