Bob wrote:

> I'd be glad to make her copies, but only for blanks & postage, because if
> she sent me a check for expenses I'd never cash it! LOL! Although she
> could sketch something on a napkin or 3x5 card...that would have some
> value as well!

I haven't forgotten about my offer to make the wooden box for this, although
it might need it's own seat on the plane the way this project is growing
(those mileage-plus miles could be useful)!  Haven't found the time (or the
inspiration I need) just yet, but will attempt a prototype over the coming
months, definitely.

Kakki and I also discussed this at some length, and thought it would be easy
for lots of people to be involved.  One person could design a label, one the
front cover, one the back cover, one the inside cover, etc., etc. for each
CD.  With 25+ CDs, there's one hundred people already!  Any thoughts from
anyone else?  Bob? - it's your baby, after all!

<<Thanks also Bob, Ashara, Les and all the incredible photographers for the
Jonifest page - it is truly spectacular!>>
> And just a quick footnote here...the Bob in question is Mr. Murphy and not
me...and it IS outstanding work all the way 'round.

I agree - a magnificent job on the Jonifest 2001 web-pages, from all
concerned!  Every time I read the drunken ramblings of Smurph, Alison, etc.
I just about die laughing!

"To have great poets, there must be
great audiences too." - Walt Whitman

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