Catherine wrote:

> So, finally got the results of the test done on the
> sample powder/envelope removed from our office
> Tuesday.  Preliminary tests are negative - no anthrax,
> no nothin' that can hurt people.

Great news, Catherine, you must be feeling VERY relieved!

> She also told me that when she was a young woman
> living in London during WW II, they didn't let the war
> prevent them from going about their lives - she said
> even if there was bombing going on, they'd still go
> out dancing.  I like that.

I like that attitude too.  It was kind of how I felt a week or so after the
WTC attacks (even though I'm a long way away).  I just thought "I'm not
going to let these bastards win - I'm going to carry on like I did before,
as much as I can."  I certainly have no qualms about flying anywhere - in
fact, I think I feel safer now!  It's just those looooong security delays
that will annoy me (at the same time as being glad that they're there, of

"To have great poets, there must be
great audiences too." - Walt Whitman

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