<< Maybe 'Hejira' has more depth.  Maybe 'The Hissing
 of Summer Lawns' and 'DJRD' are more musically adventurous.  Maybe
 'Night Ride Home' and 'Turbulent Indigo' are more mature works.  But
 for me, 'Court and Spark' has a perfection and beauty to it that still
 takes my breath away. >>

You're preaching to the choir as far as I'm concerned, Mark...the "sound" of 
C&S certainly stood out at the time, and even after all these years, still 
takes my breath away with it's sonic values. I have the el-cheapo CD version, 
and would happily spring $20.99 for that gold CD. I'll say you got a nice 

Be sure and comment on that new RLJ too, after you get over that C&S! ;~)

An interesting C&S related note: I just got and listened to a 1973 record by 
a Swedish folksinger named Turid. She does a Swedish language/piano version 
of I Had A King, and while it's very pretty I noticed a STRONG similarity to 
the piano line that Joni employs in the title track of C&S. Hmmmmm....


NP: Kevin Gilbert, "Fun"

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