Next, the three performers introduced bThe Mitchell Effect.bNoting that
has been covered by more recording artists than any singlecomposer, with the
exception of Mozart, we were treated to impromptubinterviewsb of people on
the street, including song clips of everyday peoplesinging the lyrics to
Jonibs songs. It was really fun and good placing in theprogram. That was
segued into Rebecca Jenkins singing Blue, with an honest andheartfelt
interpretation of the song.

Next we looked again to the monitors where Angelica Hustonand Jonibs best
friend, Charles Valentino, were expounding on Jonibs virtues.Angelica said
that she is bone of those people who makes you happy to be alivebecause you
feel like shebs always taking a big bite out of life.b Charles saidto Joni
how much she deserved this honor, and that he and Angelica were goingto have
a dance in her honor.

In the introduction to his next song, Brent
Beautiful, beautiful Marcieb&Cherokee Louiseb&Ronb&Chikieb&LeadFoot
With every one of these people, Joni Mitchell seems to havereintroduced us to
some part of ourselves. And in the brevity of one song, shepaints an entire that.b As he sang Shadows and Light, Hejira wassomehow
between the beginning and end in a fluid, mellifluous way.

Moving forward in Jonibs career, the next subject was aboutcharting new
territories. Herbie Hancock was now on the monitor, talking abouthow he
bhappenedb onto the Mingus album. He wasnbt originally scheduled to beon
but His friend, Jaco Pastorius, called him and said they were in thestudio,
and invited him to play. From that point on, he and Joni becamefriends. He
says about Joni, b Her normal mode of conversation is so graphicand full of
symbolism, just like her poetry. She speaks poetically.b WayneShorter was on
the monitor next, saying that she is a person who was willing totake chances,
one of the few who were willing to put her career on the line.And by doing
so, she proceeded to bbreak sound barriers.b

Rebecca Jenkins came forward to sing a really lovely versionof bTwo Grey
Rooms.b Following that were humorous anecdotes, including the factthat Joni
Mitchell has been the answer to 42 Across in the New York TimesCrossword
Puzzle, and her lyrics have stumped a contestant on Who Wants to be
aMillionaire. Stating that Joni Mitchell is an bicon,b our eyes went back
themonitor for video clips of Joni references, including Chicago Hope,
GotMail, Down to You, and Robert Downey singing River on Ally McBeal.

Another sandwich follows of Brent singing Sunny Sunday,pausing long enough
for Anne Marie to powerfully recite the lyrics to TheMagdalene Laundries, and
Brent finishing with the remainder of Sunny Sunday. Itwas a very powerful
combination, with perfect timing.

Finally. We are introduced to the Lady of the Hour, JoniMitchell. She
approaches the stage radiant in a two-piece Issy Miyake green andblue outfit.
She is joined by Denise Donlan, the president of Sony Music,Canada. Before
Joni can even sit down, she is rushed by Brent, Ann Marie andRebecca, each
offering a pack of her favorite cigarettes, American Spirits. Allthat is left
is a light from an audience member, and she comfortably settlesinto her chair
next to Denise. When asked about her bcreative genius,b Jonisays she
collects all kinds of ideas and stores them away, including a lot ofcinematic
ideas and short stories. She added that they always seem to bsortthemselves
out.b She said as a child, she wrote in rhyme. When she was upset, itgave
a structure to work things out.

As far as painting, she says, bI used to carry a sketchbookeverywhere. Every
time I sat down, I used to draw what was in front of me. Iused to sketch
everything.b She did this while bgetting her craft together in acertain
way.b Joni continues, bI would draw the people at my concert before Iwent
on. They would have to take the pen away from me.b (So she could go

She says she has been approached several times to write asong for a movie,
but she always ends up telling the whole movie, so they neveruse it. She
calls herself a bmusical illiterate,b not knowing the blanguage,but she
adds, ba sophisticated musical illiterate, kind of like an idiot savantof
sorts.b She says she like to move around in keys, and gives
bmetaphoricalinstructionb to her players. She gives an example: bFor
instance, in TroubleChild, the piano player was just playing notes, and I
told him to play aJapanese wave- it arcs up and then sucks down on itself.
Whereas Wayne (Shorter)came to me the first time I played with him in London,
he said, bItbs likeyoubre in Hyde Park, and therebs a nanny and a
baby, and
the baby has a boat,and the wind is nudging it- (she makes a sound-do, do,
do), itbs nudging it,(do, do, do) Ibm going to play it like that.b (do,
do.) and I just thought,bOh, I love this guy!bb

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