I can now imagine what it must have felt like to be in the audience during 
the taping of PWWAM.  I've only been to two of Joni's concerts, but this 
homage to Joni Mitchell outshines the concerts by far.  Ashara did an 
excellent job of documenting this wonderful evening, so you already know the 
details.  It was an amazing night in such an elegant setting.  Men and women 
dressed to the nines to honor Joni.  The reception, the dinner, and the 
actual tribute were 5 hours of total bliss for me.  To be surrounded by such 
good friends from the list enhanced this evening even further. I could tell 
that Joni was really enjoying herself.  She sat undisturbed with her good 
friends and family throughout the evening.  No pesky reporters or 
photographers in her face.  No adulating fans seeking autographs or as Bob 
Murphy so humorously mentioned "I wouldn't 
put it past any one of them to slap an inebriated arm around poor Kilauren 
and ask the nearest photographer to, "Get one of me and 'Little Green' here." 
LOL!!  If any of this was going on, I certainly didn't see it.  I had the 
privilege of finally meeting JM.Com's very own Jim Johanson.  What a 
wonderful man!  He showed what class he has when he sent a short note to Joni 
through one of the waiters which read something like : "Congratulations Joni, 
I know you are having a wonderful evening with family and friends and I don't 
want to disturb you. Just letting you know I'm here."   (I know I didn't get 
the wording correctly Jim, and I hope you don't mind my mentioning this) 
Anyway, I'm just saying to the list what a gentleman you are, and how you 
exemplify this great Internet community.

back to the tribute................The big event was a blend of Joni's peers 
showing their appreciation and respect by way of songs or short speeches.
To see Gordon Lightfoot up on stage, to watch Mr. Kratzman sit and chat with 
Joni about her school days, to listen to Joni talk about her life, and then 
to top this all off with Joni playing the piano and singing bits from her 
upcoming album.  This was an incredible evening of all sides of Joni which I 
shall never forget.

SPECIAL NOTE: I must apologize to my dear friend Coyote Rick.  He purchased 
our tickets the day they went on sale. Rick told me we were in the first row, 
but seats 34 & 35.  Knowing this was a small venue, I figured we would be way 
to the left of the stage.  The day of the tribute I told him I would rather 
have seats on the fourth or fifth row and be in the middle. 
(Here's where I eat crow.)  We were ushered to our seats 34 & 35, but they 
sat us in the second row.  We were right in the middle, but in the second 
row!  Sitting next to Rick was jmdler Janine Sherman.  I was happy with our 
center seats, but why this row of empty ones in front of us?  WELL, in they 
walked, one after the other as my jaw hit the floor.  Kilauren sat in front 
of me, Larry Klein in front of Rick, and Joni sat in front of Janine!  It was 
the closest I've ever been to Joni.

Don't worry folks, we did the JMDL proud.  The three of us showed class.  I 
only took the Altoids from Kilauren's purse. Then, using tweezers, Rick 
yanked a neck hair from Larry. (Larry slapped the back of his neck thinking 
it was a mosquito) AND lovely Janine kept kicking Joni's seat saying "Now, 
how do you think your housekeeper felt Ms. Mitchell???"  :~D

So, there Coyote Rick!  I'm sorry I complained about our seats.  Are you 
satisfied now????

Thank you Toronto and Joni for a wonderful evening!

(back in hot Ft. Myers)

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