Modern History Sourcebook: Smallpox, Indians, and Blankets

>From an Internet post by Mary Ritchie ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) Fri, 2 Jul 1993.
She addressed the question of whether Smallpox was really spread by blankets
to American Indians 
This reference [for the story of American Indians and deliberate smallpox
spreading ] is from American Indian Holocaust and Survival: A Population
History Since 1492, by Russell Thornton, 1987 (Norman: U. of Oklahoma Pr.)
It is also during the eighteenth century that we find written reports of
American Indians being intentionally exposed to smallpox by Europeans. In
1763 in Pennsylvania, Sir Jeffrey Amherst, commander of the British
forces....wrote in the postscript of a letter to Bouquet the suggestion that
smallpox be sent among the disaffected tribes. Bouquet replied, also in a
"I will try to innoculate the[m]...with some blankets that may fall into
their hands, and take care not get the disease myself." 
....To Bouquet's postscript, Amherst replied, 
"You will do well as to try to innoculate the Indians by means of blankets
as well as to try every other method that can serve to extirpate this
exorable race." 
On June 24, Captain Ecuyer, of the Royal Americans, noted in his journal: 
"Out of our regard for them (i.e. two Indian chiefs) we gave them two
blankets and a handkerchief out of the smallpox hospital. I hope it will
have the desired effect." 
(quoted from Stearn, E. and Stearn, A. "Smallpox Immunization of the
Amerindian.", Bulletin of the History of Medicine 13:601-13.)
Thornton goes on to report that smallpox spread to the tribes along the Ohio
....To Bouquet's postscript, Amherst replied, 
"You will do well as to try to innoculate the Indians by means of blankets
as well as to try every other method that can serve to extirpate this
exorable race." 
On June 24, Captain Ecuyer, of the Royal Americans, noted in his journal: 
"Out of our regard for them (i.e. two Indian chiefs) we gave them two
blankets and a handkerchief out of the smallpox hospital. I hope it will
have the desired effect." 
(quoted from Stearn, E. and Stearn, A. "Smallpox Immunization of the
Amerindian.", Bulletin of the History of Medicine 13:601-13.)
Thornton goes on to report that smallpox spread to the tribes along the Ohio
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(c)Paul Halsall Aug 1997 

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