OK, I haven't been around much for the last several
months, but I do scan the archives every once in a
while, and just could not bear to have Teena Marie go
down in the annals of history as a one-hit wonder.

Aside from her talent and general fabulousness,
Teena's defining characteristic--and probably the
reason she was discussed in the context of Laura
Nyro--is that she is perhaps the most notable white
musician to have a predominantly black audience. 
There are plenty of blue-eyed soul singers--Dusty,
Annie, Lisa Stansfield--of course, but each of these
has had a largely crossover audience, whereas Teena
enjoyed airplay almost exclusively on R&B/urban

Teena's primary producer and love interest was none
other than Rick James, and she recorded for Motown.  I
know she is still touring, though I suspect these are
more nostalgic jukebox shows than anything.


NP:  'Retha, _Young Gifted & Black_



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