Our own Emily Kirk Gray Tedrowe wrote:

"all in all, a magical night -- one that filled this 
new yorker's heart with hope and love despite the concurrent
acknowledgment that mourning and sadness don't go

OK, so thanks for reading this (for those who care!) -- now
i'm off to have some coffee with my HUSBAND  [. . . ]

emily tedrowe, reporting live from her second full day of
marital bliss in brooklyn "

Emily and Courtney:

Heartfelt congratulations to both of you, and may you have a long,
joyful, and ever-inspired life together.

Best wishes,

Mary P.
Madison, WI.

NPIMH:  "We got a break / Unbelievable! / We got a break / Right in the
middle of this [NYC] heartache / We got this solid love. . ."

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