I cannot help but write some more thoughts and
feelings... the bonus of this tribute was sharing it
with other jmdlers...some Ive met in person and some
only through various emails. It was so good to see
everyone again and witness this incredible evening.
(almost too good to be true!)

I believe that our jmdl connections are deepened
because of this rare and amazing tribute to our Joni.
Thank you to everyone for your friendship and love.

We all met on Queen Street West the next day and just
kept looking at one another ... speechless... how is
it possible??? how can we possibly relay how it felt
to be in the presence of Joni, let alone what she gave
to us that night. Certainly a piece of her heart, at
the very least. I am eternally grateful to Brian for
this the best birthday gift ever.

Joni was gracious and beautiful and she had so much
fun and was obviously moved to the core by everything
that happened in her honour. It was especially
wonderful to see her face when they announced that Mr.
Kratzman himself was there to give her the award at
the end of the evening.

In that moment, I watched the transformation as she
became young Joni in the classroom sitting up and
taking notice of this man who was definitely 'not'
like the rest of the teachers in her experience. They
greeted each other like long lost friends and held
each other close in a warm embrace. They had a
looooong and memorable talk about those days...eyes
glistened brightly as Kratzman read something he had
written for her. Yes, it made her cry, and pretty much
everyone else in the audience. To see that others 'get
it' had to be such a joy for Joni...finally.

I also enjoyed seeing Gordon Lightfoot and Loreena
Mckennitt in the audience...Gordon of course got to go
up on stage early on in the evening to say some
wonderful things about his memories of Joni in the
early days of coffee houses here and south of the
border. I understand that Gordie and Joni have been
long term friends.  Ive been a fan of Gordon's for a
very long time and it made me so happy and proud to
see him share in Joni's tribute. He is quite the
performer himself and has had long standing gigs at
Massey Hall in Toronto.

While the Liberty Grand was quite innovative, I would
have liked to see this take place at either Massey
Hall or else at the Festival Theatre in Stratford,
Ontario. Just my humble opinion of course.

I cannot help but say how very special it was to sit
beside and share the evening with Brian. I said this
in my other post and I cannot help but say it
again...it really is because of Joni that Brian and I
found one another in this space..and of course that
leads me into a big thank you to everyone for your
support of 'us'....oh it takes a village.

And to our very own Jim Johansen...while I did get to
meet you finally and tell you how I feel in person, I
wanted to reiterate how much we appreciate everything
you have done and continue to do for all of us and for
Joni .

thanks for listening to me gush some more.

loving the stories from all sides, now and then.

love, Mags and Brei

And this loving is a drawing close,
a tuning in, an opening.
Until one perfect moment;
but how can it be expressed?
A receiving, an enfolding
as I cradle you in my arms.
Within my heart, within my soul,
You are my true love.

     --Lui Collins


                 / /\_,

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