Vince, thanks for reprinting these Onion articles. That whole post-9/11 issue 
is just brilliant. When God weeps at the end of the press conference one 
can't help but join in.


Here are some more choice headlines and stories:

Hugging Up 76,000 Percent

Jerry Falwell: Is That Guy A Dick Or What?

Rest Of Country Temporarily Feels Deep Affection For New York

Massive Attack On Pentagon Page 14 News

U.S. Vows To Defeat Whoever It Is We're At War With

American Life Turns Into Bad Jerry Bruckheimer Movie

Not Knowing What Else To Do, Woman Bakes American-Flag Cake

Arab-American Third-Grader Returns From Recess Crying, Saying He Didn't Kill 
ROYAL OAK, MI Eddie Bahri, 8, a Lincoln Elementary School third-grader of 
Iraqi descent, tearfully denied accusations during morning recess Tuesday 
that he was a terrorist who killed a bunch of people. "I did not kill 
anybody," Bahri told classmate Douglas Allenby. "And my dad didn't, either, 
okay?" Also implicated in the Sept. 11 attacks was 9-year-old Rajesh 
Soonachian, a Lincoln Elementary fourth-grader of Indian descent.

President Urges Calm, Restraint Among Nation's Ballad Singers
WASHINGTON, DC In the wake of the recent national tragedy, President Bush is 
urging Mariah Carey, Michael Jackson, and other singers to resist the urge to 
record mawkish, insipid all-star tribute ballads. "To America's recording 
artists, I just want to say, please, there has already been enough 
suffering," Bush said. "The last thing we need right now is a soaring Barbra 
Streisand-Brian McKnight duet titled 'One For All.'" Reports that the FBI had 
confiscated several notebooks and audio tapes from Diane Warren's home could 
not be confirmed as of press time.

Report: Gen X Irony, Cynicism May Be Permanently Obsolete
AUSTIN, TX According to Generation X sources, the recent attack on America 
may have rendered cynicism and irony permanently obsolete. "Remember the day 
after the attack, when all the senators were singing 'God Bless America,' 
arm-in-arm?" asked Dave Holt, 29. "Normally, I'd make some sarcastic 
wisecrack about something like that. But this time, I was deeply moved." 
Added Holt: "This earnestness can't last forever. Can it?"

Dinty Moore Breaks Long Silence On Terrorism With Full-Page Ad
NEW YORK Nearly two weeks after the attacks on the World Trade Center and 
Pentagon, the makers of Dinty Moore beef stew finally weighed in on the 
tragedy Monday with a full-page ad in USA Today. "We at Dinty Moore extend 
our deepest sympathies to all who have been affected by the terrible events 
of Sept. 11, 2001," read the ad, which pictured a can of Dinty Moore beef 
stew at the bottom of the page. "The entire Dinty Moore family is outraged by 
this heinous crime and stands firmly behind our leaders." Dinty Moore joins 
Knoche Heating & Cooling and Tri-State Jacuzzi in condemning terrorism.

Bush Sr. Apologizes To Son For Funding Bin Laden In '80s
MIDLAND, TX Former president George Bush issued an apology to his son Monday 
for advocating the CIA's mid-'80s funding of Osama bin Laden, who at the time 
was resisting the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan. "I'm sorry, son," Bush told 
President George W. Bush. "We thought it was a good idea at the time because 
he was part of a group fighting communism in Central Asia. We called them 
'freedom fighters' back then. I know it sounds weird. You sort of had to be 
there." Bush is still deliberating over whether to tell his son about the 
whole supporting-Saddam Hussein-against-Iran thing.

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