--- "Pitassi, Mary" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Dolphie Bush wrote, in response to Christopher
> Blake:
> " If you, Mr. Blake,
> are allowing kids access to this site, then that is
> your fault, not the
> people who are doing the posting, and furthermore,
> using profanity does
> not
> make one a purveyor of smut.  I suggest you find
> yourself a site more
> appropriate for you if you do not like what is
> written here. "
> Mack, I love your posts, but I think Mr. Blake has a
> point.  As I read
> his original e-mail, he was not requesting that the
> JMDL not enter into
> discussions which might include profanity, but only
> that profanity not
> be displayed in subject lines, which tend to be
> highlighted in bold
> until a message is read (at least, that is the case
> in Windows Outlook).
> And I didn't get the sense that Christopher was
> "allowing kids access to
> this site," but only that he was afraid that they
> might see the f-word
> "prominently displayed" in the subject line as they
> wandered by.  
> Some on this list access the JMDL from work, and
> others might not wish
> their own children to see certain subject lines at
> home.
> I have a modest proposal.  As a courtesy to our
> fellow listers and their
> various circumstances, why don't we just agree to
> try to keep
> commonly-recognized profanities out of subject
> headings?
> Mary P.,
> donning her labor-and-employment-attorney hat (sort
> of).
> P.S.  Apologies if this has already been covered; 
> I'm on digest.
thank you for taking the time to understand my
intentions perfectly with regard to my post. it is
very much appreciated. btw, my place of employ is a
middle school in ct.
have a pleasant day -
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