Hi all!

I am still reeling a bit from the events of last weekend- wonderful,
surreal, magical- a night I will never forget!

Firstly, let me talk about the "unveiling" of Joni's "star".  I had second
thoughts about attending this event- having just met Joni a few weeks ago
with Kakki, I was concerned about her perhaps recognizing me and thinking I
might be a stalker!  But, of course, I went, and glad I did!  There were
barricades around and behind the seating area for family, friends, and
dignitaries- but we were still pretty close.  Ashara, Sal and I were there
3/4's of an hour beforehand, so we were right up against the barricade-
great view.  The details of the ceremony have been posted already by
others.  There were probably not more than 200 people there- thought there
might have been more.  And we were all there!  Jimmy, Coyote Rick, Janine,
Lisa, Yael, Jim Johanson- so great that you were there Jim!  Quite a
meeting of family it was.  Lots of hugs!

Joni and Margaret Atwood arrive after the family and friends were seated.
Larry Klein, Kilauren, her two children, her biological father, director
Norman Jewison and David Cronenberg, the mayor of Toronto, Ed Mirvish who
owns the Royal Alexander Theatre where this was held- and a HUGE patron of
the arts in Toronto for decades....... many more- most I didn't recognize,
Jimmy and Rick pointed out that a couple of singers from the musical
tribute a few nights before were there.

Joni looked fabulous!  A floor-length dress in plaids of blue, green,
brown, with a jacket overtop and a black beret!  Too cool!  She spoke so
eloquently, as has been reported.  Her comments about people stepping over
her star and stopping for a moment of pause, were lovely.  Don't let your
dog shit there, and don't spit on it!  LOL!  She is too brilliantly funny.
Think about someone you love.  How sweet!

Later in the day, Ashara, Sal, Jim and I taxied to the venue.  It took some
time to find the right place!  And poor Jim realised he had left his ticket
in his hotel room!  ACK!  He returned a while later, so cool, calm and
collected!  The venue was wonderful.  A beautiful renovation of a huge
building that had been vacant for years.  Tastefully done.  We were shown
around the venue, and given instructions on the do's and dont's in terms of
photography, etc.  The doors were opened and in we went to the cocktail
reception.  Martini's provided by Absolute, no charge. Finger food on trays
walking around.  I was at one point, out in the courtyard having a smoke
with my friend Barbara, and all of a sudden Joni is walking towards us with
her entourage.  We had to move out of the way to let her pass.  I must say
the security was extremely well handled.  Ushered in, ushered out, no pics
during dinner- I'm sure the same level as was provided for all other
honorees at this tribute.

JOni made a short appearance at the cocktail reception and then was ushered
out the back door.  Shortly thereafter, I run into the Russian!  Mr. Klein.
I ask for a couple of pics, which he obliged.  He is tall!  Man!  I would
think at least 6'3" as I had to tilt the lens upwards.  He seemed out of
sorts, and I asked if he was looking for Joni.  Of course he was, and I
directed him towards the door she left thru.  My personal hunch- he and
Joni will get back together!

Dinner was fabulous, as so nicely posted by Ashara.

The actual theatre venue was extraordinarily unique.  A long narrow room-
maybe 300 feet long.  A thin but lengthy stage in the middle that went from
one wall to about 4 feet from the other.  Seats on the floor either side,
and then rising seats behind.  The stage was beautiful.  A piano, and a
long length of Chinese golden bells and such.  Two German designed chairs
in white mesh were at the other end of the stage, with a small table
between, and on it a Boise player and 2 speakers.

All that proceeded Joni's appearance has been well posted by Mags and
Ashara.  This Rebecca Jenkins has an incredible voice.  She is an actor by
trade, but what a singer!  Her version of Blue had Joni standing and giving
her a solo standing ovation!  And then she sang a version of Two Grey Rooms
that had many of us in tears.  Brent Carver, as well, an actor-
Shakespearean- sang a number of Joni's tunes.

Joni arrived on-stage and looking and feeling radiant!  I truly believe
this event affected her.  As has been posted, this was VERY much a family
reconvening for her!  Well, Denise Donlan from Sony Records, played the
interviewer role.  But we all know, all one needs to do is just ask Joni
that one correct question, and she will talk!  Denise is the wife of Murray
McGlaughlin, a Canadian folksinger of the Bruce Cockburn era.  She was
good, but I felt a bit too rehearsed contrasted with Joni's openess and
free form conversation.  Talk about repetism!  Many of the things she and
Kakki and I talked about a few weeks ago were chatted about- break-up
w/Donald, the events of Sept 11th and how she was affected, painting......
The audience was enraptured, self included!  Then she gets up and goes to
the piano!!!  I thought I had died and gone to the other world!  Very
Paprika Plains-ish- no singing, just wonderful improvisation.  Following,
she played the demos from the upcoming album by the London Symphony and
sang along.  What an absolute incredible treat!  She said she was
practicing!  And, indeed, it felt, from my first row seat, as if we were in
someones living room and Joni serenading us!  Absolutely remarkable!

There has been much comment on this list of Joni's failing voice- BSN was
not a thrilling album for some of us.  Let me tell you, her voice is in
incredible shape!  Truly wonderful.  I cannot tell you in words, how
wonderful it was to hear Circle Game, Cherokee Louise and all the rest, in
their new form.  This upcoming release can only be incredible- please trust
me on this!  She is at the top of her game!

Perhaps the crowning glory of the evening was having Mr. Kratzman arrive
onstage.  Big hugs between the two of them.  He is a gentleman, articulate,
loving and kind and far younger looking that I thought was possible!  Joni
was in tears, as was most of the audience.  It was a loving tribute from
him, to her!

The next afternoon, Saturday, Ashara, Sal, Mags, Brian, Jim, Steve and I
were walking along Queen ST. West- Toronto's funkiest area.  A guy comes up
to us and says, Hey, I recognise you, you were at the Tribute last night!
He is a young lawyer from Conn.  Found out about the tribute from
jonimitchell.com!  Decided he had to come!  It was brilliant!  He was so in
awe of the night before, and that he had just met a group of like-minded
people!  He had a personal moment w/Joni @ the tribute and shared with us.
Needless to say, we encouraged him to join the JMDL- he was thrilled to
meet our webmaster Jim!  I was happy to see that we had made another
convert!  He was a wild young guy, full of energy.  Lots of hugs between us
all- someone we just met, but felt at home with.

That's how this list is wonderful.

Stephen in Vancouver
NP:  Simon and Garfunkle- live @ Hollywood Bowl, 1968- thanks Kakki!!

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