Ain't nothin' wrong with what he said.


In a message dated 10/24/01 3:59:59 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

>"Hi New York.
>I just hope Clemens wins tomorrow -- that's all I care about.  This is,
>this is, this is something I think we're all going to remember for the
>rest of our lives.  This is the moment when we needed to be healed.  And
>when music showed us the way.  Music does what it does best, it helps us
>to heal.  And I think in this situation right now, when, when we have 
>the possibility of taking this energy -- this horrendous energy that 
>all feeling -- and the possibility of turning it into more violence and
>revenge -- we can stop that.  We can take that energy and turn it into
>something else -- we can turn it into compassion, into love, into
>understanding. (crowd boos)
>That's apparently unpopular right now, but that's alright.
>My friends right now are the cops, the firemen, the emergency workers.
>Those are the ones who don't ask if you're a good guy or a bad guy if
>they're going to save you.  They don't ask what your religion is when
>they save you.  They just do it because it need to be done. (crowd cheers)
>That's the heart that I'm talking about, that's compassion, that's
>the real thing.  That's what we all need to aspire to.  Before introducing
>our final New York film tonight, I just want to remind you to call the
>number on your screen or go to the Web address to donate to the New York
>Fund.  And if you haven't given anything yet, now's the time to do it.
>Just call up and make your donation.  Now if you've already given -- see
>if you can dig into your pocket a little more -- cause it's really needed
>In the midst of our grief for the lives that were lost on September 11th,
>many voices have emerged to help us understand the meaning of this tragic
>and historic event.  Among the most poignant is that of Ric Burns whose
>epic series on PBS "NEW YORK: A DOCUMENTARY FILM" aired its final episode
>just two weeks after the tragedy.  People most needed it to restore a
>vibrant vision of New York to our national consciousness. 
>"NEW YORK: A DOCUMENTARY FILM" celebrates the richness and diversity
>of America seen through the lens of its greatest city, New York City."
>(End of Richard Gere's comments, film excerpt is then shown)

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