
Thank you so much for asking the Professor about where he stands.  It helps
me understand more where he is coming from.  I think, but can't say for
certain, that Libertarians largely are anti-war and pacifist.  I draw that
conclusion from some of the literature my Libertarian friends have been
passing on to me the past two months.

You wrote:

> I firmly believe that drawing such conclusions >and making these claims
without some type of >supporting evidence does a grave disservice >to the
individuals who sacrifice to serve as >educators in our country and to
people >outside of our country who will develop >perhaps a distorted picture
of who we are as >a nation.

I think exactly the same can be said about many other unsupported claims and
conclusions which are made here on the list.  I could provide support for my
experiences, claims and opinions but I don't think the audience here is
really all that receptive to hearing them and would rather "shoot the
messenger."  Today, by accident I came across and organization whose purpose
seems to support some of what I've claimed.  I'll forward it in another


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