Bob (Smurph),

In one of the  many digests I've finally plowing my way through now that I'm 
back home in SF at my computer, you wrote:

>My guess is that some of our JMDLers have horribly embarrassed themselves in 
front of Joni, and they're just too ashamed to tell the rest of us exactly 
what's going on. Who knows what this crazy group may have done to warrant 
such strange silence about this special event? Between you and me, I wouldn't 
put it past any one of them to slap an inebriated arm around poor Kilauren 
and ask the nearest photographer to, "Get one of me and 'Little Green' here." 

That is absolutely the biggest laugh I've had in as long as I can remember.  
Thank you, and excuse me while I catch my breath.

Very fondly (and wheezing),


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