On 25 Oct 2001, at 22:33, Vince Lavieri wrote:

>  PS An interesting way to measure patriotism: have you ever missed voting in any
> election?  Have you ever done voter registration?  Who can name without pause
> the name of their two senators and their representative in the House and the
> nine justices (well, the 4 justices and 5 injustices, a little joke there) on
> the Supreme Court?

Barbara Boxer
Dianne Feinstein
Jane Harman
(The ladies are in house! : )

I've never missed an election.  My dad served in the army only to return to his 
home town in the Jim Crow south where folks were physically blocked from the 
polling place.  So every time I punch the card I feel like I'm honoring him.


n.p.: Afro Celt Sound System - "Colossus"

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