Steve wrote:

> Frightfully politically incorrect in some quarters these days,
> but I've always loved W. E. Johns' Biggles books, and thanks
> to a friend on the Biggles list, just completed my collection -
> there's around 100 of them.
> I'm not sure if I got a love of aircraft and flying from the
> books, or got into the books because I loved aircraft...

One of the funniest things I've ever heard is Michael Palin (from Monty
Python-fame) reading a story he wrote called "Biggles Goes To See Bruce
Springsteen".  It's a bonus track on a cassette I have - Comic Relief -
which was a concert in the UK to raise money for charity (mainly
Africa-related).  Some day when I get the time/energy I'll transcribe it -
it's absolutely hilarious!

The other very funny "skit" on this cassette is by Dawn French and Jennifer
Saunders, with Dawn trying to explain sex and conception to Jennifer.  A
sample: "A man, right, has got three dangly toilet parts, and the.... yeah,
I think it's.... yeah, the middle one.... the middle one, is the important
one."  It has to be heard to be believed!

"To have great poets, there must be
great audiences too." - Walt Whitman

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