In a message dated 11/8/01 1:19:22 AM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

>The best way to comntinue in conflict is to contniue to minimise, ignore,
>deny the abuse of children.

Here are a couple of resources from a local therapist (Washington, DC) who 
has dedicated her career to helping adults sexually abused as children.   Her 
name is Christine Courtois and she is clinical director of a center for 
treatment of post-traumatic stress disorders resulting from child abuse.

She has written several books on the topic:

Recollections of Sexual Abuse (1999):  addresses the recovered memory 


Healing the Incest Wound (1988)

It's hard to believe that someone could write compassionately and 
non-sensationally about incest but she manages it.

Link to hospital information:

In a better world such resources would not be needed.


People hurry by so quickly
Don't they hear the melodies
In the chiming and the clicking
And the laughing harmonies
- Joni Mitchell

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