>From: "M. B." <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Date: Fri, 09 Nov 2001 08:37:04 +0100
>Good morning, friends of JMDL!
>My name is Marco and I'm wraiting from Venice (Italy).
>Excuse me for my terrible english, I hope that you undertand what I'm 
>trying to write!
>Compliments for your beautiful site, I think that is one of the best on 
>the world dedicated to an artist!
>I read the "tape tree page" and I'd like to receve everything! In 
>particular the seven cd and the video (PAL version).
>Please, is it possible?
>How I can get it?
>Do you have an italian friend of the tree who can contact me (in italian, 
>if is possible)?
>Please, help me!
>Of course all the material (cd, video, tapes...) will be ONLY for my own 
>pleasure (NO BOOTLEGS!!! I hate the people who does it!!!)
>My email is: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
>I have another question: why, in the list of the songs to vote, I have not 
>found the beautiful "Real good for free"?
>I'd like to vote this song!
>Thanks for your amazing work in the JMDL!

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