Darn Mary.  I could have written that.

  definitely hate winter.  with a passion.  even the mild winters we get
> in DC.  yuck.

> I hate summer too.  here it is so damned hot and humid that it's not
> enjoyable.  the AC is running all the time.

> Spring is OK now but I've had severe allergies to trees my entire life
> (15-year veteran of allergy shots and I'm still getting them) and I used
> get asthma, sinus infections, colds, etc.  The thing about bad allergies
> how they make you feel that you want to die.  Does anyone know what I
> It is immensely irritating because everyone extrapolates from their sore
> throat/runny nose and so they think you are a weakling.  They don't know
> about the congestion, flulike awful 'yuck' feeling, for lack of a better
> term, and the monster sinus headaches and accompanying stomachaches.

ditto.  Used to really like spring.  In the Panhandle, spring and summer are
lovely.  Not humid at all and the heat is just nice.  Here in central Texas
the humidity is a killer.  Also, hardly any allergens in the Panhandle.
Great place to live if not for winter.

ove autumn 'season of mists and mellow fruitfulness' the weather is good,
> the sky is clear blue, the leaves are beautiful.

late autumn which is now is pretty good.  The allergies seem to not be as
bad but early autumn, late summer is bad.  Ragweed and elm eat me up.

 my birthday is in September.  Do many of you have your
> favorite season coinciding with your birthday?

Makes you a virgo or a libra and they are both groovy. Me, September 30th.

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