Colin wrote:
The one thing that frigtens me the most about getting some painful disease 
  is losing my right to live my as I choose and and to end it when i wish.
  Did you know, btw, that chemo and radiation often cause death? I didn't. 

I must echo that this is still my biggest fear. (I still don't know if they
will be recommending chemo again, but my choice at this point is not to do
it. I do believe it would kill me, after having had a bowel resection. Chemo
kills the lining of the digestive tract. Talk about harmful! and, without
getting too technical, I do think one of my other medical options is
actually more effective)

Anyway, I suspect most people know when it's their time. Like some others on
this list (Walt, I'm thinking of you, in particular) I've been closer than I
ever wanted to be. It's possible to come back from the brink. But I think
there is also a point when you know you just don't have it in you. When you
can't live under the shadow anymore. I think it's more humane to let go.

Anyway, I don't mean to be quite so grim. It is, however, a very serious

lots of love

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