Interesting message I received forwarded with the author's permission.

>From: "McAuliffe, Jon" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Subject: The Student Song
>Once upon a time, long, long ago on
>the backstreets of Detroit, I wandered into a little coffee house on the
>campus of the University of Detroit to partake of the music of a guy I'd
>heard about, one Chuck Mitchell.  On that particular night he had a friend
>along for the ride by the name of Joan Anderson (yes, I know you know this
>story).  I went back to this coffee house, The Chessmate, many times
>thereafter, both to steal chords from Chuck and to hear this fascinating
>young woman who wrote her own songs and played them on an odd little
>instrument called a tipple.  A Martin, no less, as I recall.
>Eventually I became a Joan Anderson groupie of sorts, I guess you'd say.  I
>have a lot of really great memories of those days, one of which includes
>Joni asking me for a lead sheet of a song I'd written that she'd heard me
>fooling around with a couple of hours before she and Chuck did their set at
>the Chessmate.
>Anyway, my real reason for writing is this. I've long remembered a
>particular title she used to perform then of a song whose melody I've long
>since forgotten.  She used to emphasize that she'd written it and that was
>somewhat unique as she covered a number of other people's songs then, as
>well.  I remember "Nancy Whiskey", a song also performed then by Ian &
>Sylvia tunes (someone did it before I&S).  I remember Chuck & Joan doing
>Chet Powers' "Get Together", and so on.
>But I wonder if anyone's ever seen a set of lyrics for The Student Song or
>actually come across a recording of it anywhere?
>Jon McAuliffe
>Ashland, Mass.

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