Greetings - 

Just thought I'd pipe in about the Suzanne Vega show I
saw here at Berkeley (in Boston) last night. I haven't
seen her since the 99.9 tour, and she was awesome!
It's so nice to go see some dependable talent these

She opened with "Marlena...", and then paused to
explain that 6 months ago she broke her hand (!!) so
she was only able to play her own guitar parts on 6 or
7 tunes. The gentleman who plays guitar for her did a
bangup job, playing both his parts, her parts, and
managing a spectrum of foot petals which triggered
samples. I was really hoping she'd get through the set
without doing "Luka," but she did it towards the end.
I guess I'm just bummed that of all the great songs
she's written, this is the one that made the top 10.
"Left of Center" was performed just vocal and
bassline, and "Rock in This Pocket" was particularly
charged. I sorely missed the inclusion of "Birthday"
and "World Before Columbus", but she stopped mid-set
and did a reading from her book (the amusing short
story "Millie") which made up for thar in spades.

All in all, a great show, chock full of new material.
For those skeptical, I must say that "Songs in Red &
Grey" is a wonderful SV disc - poignant poetry with
pop sensibilities. Get yourself a copy!

-Chris NP: 99.9 - SV
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