Les said,
> Joni: "Have you read that new book about me?"
> Les: "The one by Brian Hinton?  Yeah it's not too good..."
> Joni: "No!  It's horrible!  HORRIBLE!"

But what did she *REALLY* think?  You gotta love her.....  I do.  It's so
refreshing especially in contrast to business people who say things like,

"I don't know that your mother is as honorable as she might be."

Who invented that little phrase "I don't know that blah blah blah?"  It's
the most passive agressive, honor-less phrase I've ever heard.  You can't
argue with it.  Heck, the speaker doesn't even claim their own feelings, so
how can you discuss?  It's a gutless way to deliver an insult.  Give it to
me straight.  Rant off.


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