Well what are the odds of your friend bringing Steven Stills over to your
house?? I still can't believe it happened. I had just laid down in bed and
set the alarm for 4am so I could get up and watch the meteor shower when the
phone rang. It was Jack asking if it was ok if he and Steven dropped by to
catch the meteor show (as the it was too bright downtown). I got up and went
outside to wait for them and thank God I did cause I would have missed most
of the show. It was quite beautiful here and the sky was clear and I saw
quite a few. Then my wife came out and joined me and about that time, the
limo pulled around the corner and I was saying hello to someone who changed
my life, brought there by someone else who changed my life by introducing me
to acoustic music over 30 years ago. We all talked awhile and did the "ooo
ahhh" thing at the sky for awhile. Steven went inside to the rest room and
caught an eye full of my studio (filled with keyboards and guitars and
such). He commented that if the light show didn't get any better we should
have a play. Well about a quarter to four the fog rolled in big time. Steven
asked if he could play my new keyboard and show us a song he is working on.
I programmed a drum beat into the loop machine and we were off. The groove
wasn't just right so I turned off the machine and played an instrument I
have called the Cajon (from Peru). Jack sang harmonies and we were treated
to a sneak peak of new Steven to come. He picked a rhodes sound and it is
sort of shuffle with a 6/8 feel. It was really surreal to be in my own
studio with my best friend jamming with Stills. Sadly, Jack had to pick up
another fare and started to make preperations to leave elsewise we might
STILL be there playing. For a long time I have been friends with Steven's
brother (Butch) who lives here in New Orleans and thought that maybe one day
I would be lucky enough to be able to meet Steven with him, but in the long
run I guess our paths were meant to cross all on their own. We talked about
the new forthcoming CSNY tour and bass players and drummers, the old days
when he use to live in Louisiana, we spoke in Spanish (which he has a
powerful command of) and had a very pleasant visit. I started to post last
night after they zoomed off, but I was so excited I just wanted to savour
the moments. I feel a little wierd posting about this, but I think I would
feel more wierd if I didn't. This community has provided me stories for so
long about meetings and concerts and such that I thought I should return the



post from last night:

>On this night for gazing at the stars on my way home from a gig, my pal Jack (a
>limo driver/singer-songwriter) called me to tell me he was picking up Stills at
>the airport. I drove out to meet him on my way home just in time to see him
>picking up Steven. Apparently he was invited by the owner of the Colts to come
>in for the football game tomorrow. Jack was elated to be picking up one of our
>heros. We are in the process of working on his album which should be out early
>next year. I hope he played some of the demos for him. He is a very talented
>songwriter and one of my oldest friends and inspirations. I just came in from
>outside watching the star show and had to share with you guys. Hope everyone
>has a good night and gets to see the show.

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