Hi, all,

I was reading the latest deigest, and digressing from a discussion of Laura 
Nyro, Bob M. (SCjoniguy) started musing about albums sounding alike.  It's 
been on *my* mind since TtT.

In some ways, I compare DJRD to Hejira becuase they have a similar sound -- 
and of course, several or many of the songs on DJ had been composed during 
the same explosive period of creativity that had created Hejira.  (I remember 
her singing Coyote, DJRD the song, Talk To Me and one other song from Hejira 
when I saw her in '76, whatever tour that was -- between Hissing and Hejira)  
But when TtT came out, I had the feeling that the mix or styles and tempoes 
was sort of a closing of a book of sorts, a summing up.  And in retrospect, 
DJRD (the album) reminds me of that same feeling -- that there was a 
hodgepodge because she was ready to move on to something else.  She certainly 
didn't stop recording, but she did move on musically.

If so, we should be reassured -- she's not stopping (we know that already, of 
course, since she's recording, possbily as I write this -- what a nice 
thought!), she's just waiting to see where her muse will lead her next.

Anyone else feel that way?



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