Some years ago when I was searching around for a topic for my Ph. D. I
considered doing Joni Mitchell's songs. My idea was not greeted with any
enthusiasm by anyone in the faculty, nor any other academic I spoke to.
Because there is an Anglo-Canadian link in the faculty here in the University
of Barcelona I decided to see if anyone in Canadian universities would be more
helpful. I only got one response (from a great JM fan) and this was luke-warm
to say the least. It was suggested that the songs alone were not sufficient as
a base for a Ph. D. but perhaps something more 'sociological' would be
possible. In the end I chose a different subject but my heart is not really
into it and I am thinking of getting back to my original idea. I think that if
one is going to spend 2 or 3 years doing this, one needs to believe in it,
don't you think?

Does anyone out there in jonilista land know of any Ph. D. theses written
about Joni? What about other, shorter, academic work? I'd appreciate any help
you(se) could give me. I know from reading this list that there are many
people with expert knowledge of Joni's life and work and the archives alone
(as well as the lyrics) would be a great boon to any research. I also know
that there is a wealth of goodwill among the listers and this would help me
considerably should I decide to go with this idea.

The only problem I see here (except finding a doctoral supervisor!!) is having
to listen to and read about JM for the next few years. This is not in itself a
problem, but listening for academic purposes is not the same as it is for
pleasure. My minor thesis was on Flann O'Brien and when I finished that I was
sick of his novels for a good while. I would hate to feel the same way about

Well, guys, what do you think? If you only get one chance to write your
doctorate wouldn't you want to do it on something you love? Help; I may be
getting myself into deep water here.

mike in barcelona,

NP 'Factory Girl'. Sinead O'Connor/Chieftains.

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