Just a reminder that when you are filling out the questionnaire, please try 
to fill out as much as you can right now. The most important questions at the 
moment are all the ones about accomodations, incuding type of bed, roommate 
preference, etc. I will be trying to juggle everyone's requests as they come 
in, and the rooms are limited as far  as few private baths, etc.

Also, if you choose to pay by Paypal, please remember to add the 5% fee each 
time you send in a payment.

The remainder of the payments can be sent in at any time. If anyone would 
like to pre-pay more than the required deposit, that would be great. As soon 
as I receive enough deposits to meet the minimum I need to put down, I can 
send the money to Full Moon, thus locking in the date.

Thanks for all your patience with all the neccessary nit-picky stuff that is 
is required this year, including the release form, etc. You have no idea the 
hoops I had to go through to set this up this year, including setting up the 
LLC. I have been working on this Fest since the week everyone left here last 
Labor Day. So...I know these forms are one huge pain-the-ass, but a definite 

I hope everyone is as excited about this as I am. I "know" Wally is!! LOL!!!


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