Rose wrote:

> I've gotten the same email. it must be a worm attaching itself to anyone
> who's been posting recently. I tried to identify it on Norton's website,
> I don't see this one being warned against recently.

Delurking for a moment to respond to everyone concerned about the latest
virus.  Here's what my ISP sent me yesterday:

"As you may have already heard or read about in the news or around the
internet there's a rather nasty virus spreading all over the world called
BadTrans.B.  This memory-resident Internet worm is a variant of the older
BadTrans.A and propagates via email clients that use Windows sockets such as
Microsoft outlook, and Outlook Express. BadTrans.B can be identified as a
blank email with an attachment which attempts to save itself to your hard
drive automatically, (note: this may not occur on some email clients).

A particular concern about Badtrans.B, is that it does not even require the
email receiver to open the attachment for it to execute and cause an
infection, (this is unlike other virus worms, which require you to run the
BadTrans.B does this by using a known vulnerability in Internet
Explorer-based email clients, (Microsoft Outlook and Microsoft Outlook
Express), to automatically execute the file attachment.

We recommend that you have the latest version of browser and email program
installed, as these are less likely to be affected by viruses, (eg: Internet
Explorer versions less than 5.5, with service pack 2 will automatically open

Once the attachment has been executed the virus drops a 'trojan', (well
known for stealing password information and sending it back to the virus'
creator), onto your PC and then forwards itself as a blank email to any
addresses from any unopened emails you have. You can tell if your system has
been infected by the trojan by searching your Hard Drive for a file called
If that file is resident on your computer, then you've been infected.

This is definitely one of the nastier viruses that we have had to cope with
over the last year and is spreading extremely quickly. It is currently the
3rd most commonly spread virus in the world (astonishing considering it was
only discovered on the 24th of November)."

As always, your virus software is only as good as your last update, so
download those latest patches!

Happy computing


P.S.  Victor - all viruses should NOT go to Hell, because I don't want them
"To have great poets, there must be
great audiences too." - Walt Whitman

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