Not all smokers die from it. In  fact only 11%. Yet the proportion of people who
get some form of cancer is 33 1/3%.
There is a huge propaganda machine about smoking and most of it is crap. No it
isn't a good idea to smoke but smoking does NOT equal death.
I think perhaps the energy put into anti smoking attitudes would be better spent
on pollution but then we all like our electricity, gas, cars, planes and trains
don't we and they of course don't harm any of us.


> In a message dated 11/30/01 12:10:01 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
> << PS: Noting that GH was a life-long smoker how has Joni thus far managed to
> avoid LC??   >>
> This is perhaps the most ignorant and careless thought I have ever read here
> on the JMDL.

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