The author Ken Follett has just appeared on Desert Island Discs on BBC Radio 2 in the 
U.K. They have just played Big Yellow Taxi as one of Ken's choices with the following 
conversation between the interviewer Michael Parkinson and the interviewee  which I 
have transcribed for your amusement.

Parkinson: It's a daft song that. I've always thought that it was a silly song. It's 
kind of very reminiscent of a time and era in music isn't it?

Follett: Yes that's right, it was really a sort of ...ummm... it was really radical 
thinking to think it was wrong to build car parks....(both laugh) ...that was being 
very very left wing in those days.  

So there you go. Henceforth Joni's BYT should be referred to as her left wing anti 
car-park song :)


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